About Me

I received my B.S. from Yale College and my Ph.D. from The Wright Institute. My pre-doctoral internship was at California Pacific Medical Center’s outpatient clinic. I have a private practice in which I see individual adults, adolescents and couples and have extensive experience supervising non-licensed clinicians and consulting with other professionals. I was the Director of Training at Access Institute for Psychological Services where I dedicated myself to making psychotherapy accessible to those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford it. I am proud to have been a mentor and model to a younger generation of clinicians dedicated to community work. Before becoming the Director of Training at Access Institute, I was on the training staff at both The Wright Institute Clinic and The Mills College Counseling Center.
I have presented several papers at national conferences on the topics of training and supervision, and I have taught on these topics at local psychoanalytic organizations. I continue to write and publish on these topics.
In addition to my psychotherapy practice, I offer parenting consultations to parents of twins and other multiples. With the personal experience of raising twins combined with my professional and theoretical knowledge, I am uniquely situated to help parents manage the complexities of raising more than one child of the same age and I am committed to helping them be the best parents they can be.